Re: Caroline Henrikson's foundation membership

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 19:08, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:

Heya Tobias!

On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 1:52 AM Tobias Mueller <tobiasmue gnome org> wrote:

Hi Sri,

On Fri, 2018-09-21 at 15:26 -0600, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
I understand that Caroline's application for GNOME Foundation
membership was rejected?  Could we revisit this decision?
Sure. Given that we are humans, we make mistakes. The process currently
requires the applicant to appeal.  Alternatively, the Board is free to
make whatever decision it likes.  Another common procedure is to re-

That's great to hear!

I think everyone on this list can vouch for Caroline's application.
She has produced all the illustrations and graphics for GUADEC 2018
and Libre Application Summit and has spent long hours working on the
designs for both these conferences.  She also designed stickers as
The application didn't make that as clear as it could have done, I
guess.  Generally, we require the applicant to provide the evidence of
"non-trivial" contributions rather than hinting at it and us chasing it
down ourselves.
Also, we tend to wait for the applicant to be somewhat stable in their
contributions.  In this case, it was stated that the contribution
started with "helping out with the engagement team for a little over a
month".  That itself seemed like an exaggeration to me after I've
searched the mailing list archives.

So, Caroline's contributions are non-trivial, in her 3 month stint she
has: (others can correct me)
* Designed the GUADEC  t-shirt
* Designed GUADEC stickers (Kat please correct if i'm wrong)
* LAS website, colors
* LAS branding
* Designed the banners for LAS
* Man the registration booth for LAS for two days
* Shared responsibility in recording all the LAS talks
* Spent her own money to come to LAS (taken into account all the work
she has put into LAS)
* vigorously participated in all LAS discussion and engagement discussions
* Provided advice on design as needed.

Her contributions have been consistent and she cotinues to participate
even after LAS.  Herr contributions are highly impactful in the event
space.  She continues to be involved and we are quite grateful.

Also be aware that her partner, Britt applied at the same time and his
was approved.  Britt is the outgoing one so... :-)

I'm quite puzzled as to why her application was rejected considering
the all the work she has produced.  I'd love to understand why this
happened and what the membership committee's concerns were for her
application that lead to her rejection.  In general, the membership
team has been quite generous in accepting memberships in the past and
arguably Caroline's candidacy is very strong in our estimation.
The way applications are processed is written in the wiki. Whether this
is generous is left up to interpretation.  And whether it should be
generous would need to be discussed.

Fair enough.  It's been my experience that we've been generous but
that could be baesd on who is processing the application.

I think it comes down to the fact that she didn't sell herself as well
as she coudl be.  But she was encouraged to apply by all of us.  Let
me know what I can do going forward.

My impression from reading the tickets is:
- Caroline gave a list which seemed exhaustive of contributions over a
small period of time and this didn't show doesn't that she is still
- Britt was very bad at selling their work and didn't detail any of
the listed contributions so the given references were asked about it
and supported the application which was then approved
So not selling your work well can actually be better :)

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