[gnome.org #14995] Application received from Mehandi lal Gujar (gujar.mehandi AT gmail.com)

On Thu Oct 22 09:46:20 2015, foundationmembershipcommittee wrote:

Full Name: Mehandi lal Gujar
Email:     gujar.mehandi AT gmail.com

Hello Mehandi!

requesting GNOME Foundation membership requires you having contributed in a non-trivial way to the GNOME 
Project. The fact your contributions list is empty don't help us with evaluating your application properly as 
of today.

If you never contributed to the GNOME Project before we would love seeing you within the list of new 
contributors of any of the teams / projects listed at [1]. 

Once your contributions have become more stable and consistent, please re-apply! :-)

If you instead contributed to a team already please say so making also sure to provide references to your 
contributions. We'll then evaluate your application.

Have a great day!

[1] http://www.gnome.org/get-involved

GNOME Sysadmin Team Coordinator
GNOME Accounts Team
GNOME Membership & Elections Committee Chairman

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