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Your message about "Application received from Juan Josà SÃnchez Penas (jjsanchez AT igalia.com)" has been 
received and assigned a ticket ID [gnome.org #2166].

There is no need to reply to this message right now, but if you have anything to add to the issue please 
reply to this message.

You will receive another message once your issue has been solved, or if we need more information from you.

 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org


Contact Information:
Name: Juan Josà SÃnchez Penas
E-mail: jjsanchez AT igalia.com
irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): juanjo
cvs.gnome.org username (if any): 

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:

Some contributions I can think about now (maybe I forget some things, but I will enumerate the main things I 
have been doing during the last couple of years):

- Main co-organizer of the Guadec Hispana 2005 together with Chema Casanova Crespo.
- Several talks in international conferences about Gnome and related projects.
- A few patches and bugs to some Gnome modules.
- Member of the development team of the Fisterra project (Business software on top of Gnome).
- Member of the Build Brigade team.
- Founder of Igalia, a company heavily involved in Gnome (funding for Gnome developers).
- Represent my company (Igalia) inside the GMAE initiative.
- Active member of the Gnome Hispano association.
- Member of the winner team of the Guadec2006 GnuFIFA World Cup, scoring two goals in the final O;-)

Detailed description:
Detailed description of the contributions above:

- Guadec Hispana: main Gnome conference for the Spanish speaking users and developers of the project. It 
takes place yearly. In 2005, Chema Casanova and me organized it in A CoruÃa, north-west of Spain. I was 
official responsible of the conference and was at the same time the coordinator of the program committee, in 
charge of selecting the accepted talks and articles. The conference was a success, with about 200 people 
attending, and speakers attending from all over the world. Detailed info (in Spanish) can be found here: 
- Talks about Gnome: now and then I get invited to give talks about the Gnome project or other related 
sub-projects. Examples of this are my talk in 2005 in the aLANtejo, Portugal, that was kindly partially 
funded by the Gnome Foundation, or my recent talk in Buenos Aires at the CaFeConf, one of the main free 
software events in Argentina, with 2000 people registered. In both I talked about the past, present and 
future of the project, trying to give Gnome Love to audience, and always with the goal of getting more people 
involved. More info on this can be found here:
The talks above are just examples, I have given other talks and published other articles during the last 
years, related to technical aspects of the Gnome project. I also have published some articles in Spanish 
magazines with less technical contents about the Gnome project. I could give more details on those 
publications if needed.

- Patches and bugs: due to my huge workload in the past months, I have not been able to contribute as much 
code as I would like, but I introduced this item cause I wanted to state here that one of my goals as a 
member of the project is to contribute code, bugs, patches and documentation. Nevertheless, during the last 
couple of years I have contributed with some patches to some modules, specifically I would mention Gedit 
(working with Paolo Borelli), to which I have contributed 7 or 8 patches some months ago, also I have had 
some (not much) activity in the bugzilla, and I try to help and send comments and patches constantly to 
documentation authors. In 2007 I have as a main goal to increase dramatically the amount of time for this 

- Fisterra project: Fisterra is a free software project for creating business management applications. I was 
a member of the team that started to build the project inside Igalia, about 3 years ago. Fisterra uses all 
kind of Gnome technologies internally, and we see it as a contribution to the Gnome project on itself, trying 
to make easier to deploy Gnome in companies and public institutions. In the Guadec 2006, during the after 
hours, I coordinated a BoF about the creation of business software on top of Gnome, and we discussed how 
Fisterra and other similar projects could cooperate to make Gnome better. More info: 
- Build Brigade: after some discussion on the mailing lists, I proposed to be the coordinator of a BoF on 
continuous integration for Gnome. During this BoF, a lot of interesting ideas were discussed, and the Gnome 
Build Brigade, a group in charge of pushing the integration and testing efforts inside the project, was 
created. I am currently one of the members of the Build Brigade. More info:

- Igalia: together with a group of hackers from Galicia, north-west of Spain, we created a free software 
company in September 2001. Since then, the history of Igalia has been very close to the Gnome project. As 
part of my job inside Igalia, I have been both participating in development projects and advocating for 
Gnome, trying to get funding for paying hackers developing Gnome related technologies. We have been 
sponsoring Guadec Hispana for a couple of years now, and we have also been silver sponsors in the Guadec 
2006. With regards to that, we think companies doing free software are on themselves a kind of a contribution 
to the Gnome project. More info: http://www.igalia.com

- GMAE: together with Alejandro GarcÃa Castro, I am representing Igalia inside the (still to be formally 
announced) Gnome Mobile and Embedded Initiative, since the first meeting in Vilanova, 5 months ago.

- Gnome Hispano: I am member of the Spanish speaking Gnome association since its official creation, back in 
2004, during the I Guadec Hispana, in Extremadura, Spain.

I list below some people from Gnome Hispano that have closely followed my contributions and can certify what 
I mention above:

- German Poà CaamaÃo <gpoo ubiobio cl>
- Fernando San MartÃn <snmartin galilea cl>
- Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo novell com>
- Alvaro del Castillo <acs barrapunto com>
- Fernando Herrera <fernando herrera-de-las-heras nokia com>

If needed, I could provide more references.

Other comments:
I would say that I feel myself like a de facto member of the Gnome project since 2002 (was a user since a 
couple of years before, started to use Gnome technologies by that time). But since 2007 I plan to increase my 
participation and to get more involved in some of the Gnome sub-projects, I thought it would be a good idea 
to do it being officially a member of the Foundation.

Maybe some of the things I mention above are not relevant for becoming a member of the foundation. Just drop 
the ones that are not interesting, I was not sure about the kind of things that you were looking for.

Also, I was not sure about the level of detail needed for the explanations. Please, feel free to ask if you 
need to know something with more detail.

Thanks for your work!

[Application received at Tue Dec 5 10:35:03 2006 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application
to be processed can be up to one month.

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