[RENEWAL] Application received from Francisco de Urquijo (urquijo servidor unam mx)

Contact Information:
Name: Francisco de Urquijo
E-mail: urquijo servidor unam mx
irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): 
cvs.gnome.org username (if any): 

Previous GNOME Foundation member: yes

GNOME contributions:

The GNOME concept, together with Miguel de Icaza. 
Promotiong GNOME as a World Wide Global Standard.

Detailed description:
Lobbying universities, governments, corporations, International organizations, etc. promoting the massive use 
of GNOME worldwide.

Miguel de Icaza <Miguel ximian org>
Federico Mena-Quintero <federico gnu org>
Nat Friedman <nat ximian com>
Timothy Ney <ten gnome org>
Ismael Olea <ismael olea org>

Other comments:
I was the first promoter of GNOME (even before was made public), and I still are.

[Application received at Fri Oct 31 20:48:48 2003 (Eastern time)]

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