Re: Getting involved in meld development

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 1:36 PM, David Rabel <David Rabel noresoft com> wrote:
Hello everybody,

I'm using meld a lot and like it a lot. I'm a software developer and I
want to get involved in meld development to return something to the
community. Is there something like a point to start or easyhacks to get
into the code easier?

And btw, there is one feature that I really really miss in meld and
that's to collapse equal lines in file diff. (Or did I just not find out
how it works yet?)
I don't know if you want such a feature or not. But if so and after
getting to know the code a littler more I would love to work on
implementing something like this.

Kind Regards,

Hi David,

I'm not involved in meld development, but I'm involved in other open
source projects. First, as a meld user, thanks for your interest in
improving meld! Second, I think it's great that you have a goal in
mind, which is the feature that you described. Third, when wanting to
join the development of an open source project, I think it's
interesting (but not necessary) to talk a little bit about your
background. As for specific questions, what is your programming
experience? What is your OS? Have you worked on any other open source
software? Are you familiar with git?

Best of luck,


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