Re: Meld + GTK 3

On 16 October 2013 03:49, Keegan Witt <keeganwitt gmail com> wrote:
I'd love to get a Windows build of this for people to play with, but I don't
know what I need to do to make that happen :(

When I try with Python 3, I get this error
Cannot import: GTK+
No module named gi

And I don't see that there's a release of PyGTK for GTK3, and running this
with PyGTK with GTK 2.24 fails (as one would expect).

So two things here. We're not yet using Python 3, just GTK 3. And GTK
3 and sundry rely on gobject introspection, so these are completely
different packages to pygtk. There's no such thing as a pygtk build
for GTK3.

I don't know what the situation is with Windows and Python GTK 3
support, but I do know that the Gramps people (
have made the switch so it's presumably doable... it may just be
painful. I'll look in to this more when I have time.


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