Re: [PATCH] Some minor fixes and improvements

2011/2/25 Piotr Piastucki <leech miranda gmail com>:
> Hi,
> I am sending the following 2 patches:
> 1) 0001-Workaround-for-line-numbers-covering-issue-610376.patch
> This patch tries to work around the issue #610376, I have also attached it
> to the ticket in Bugzilla. It is rather a workaround than a real fix, but it
> seems to work reasonably well.

I agree that this isn't a real fix, but it appears backwards
compatible with pre-2.10 GtkSourceView, so I've pushed it. Thanks.

> 2) 0002-Myers-matcher-performance-improvements-and-cleanup.patch
> Some minor performance improvements and cleaunp in Myers matcher code.

I haven't tested the speedups, but seems to work fine in my testing,
so I've pushed it purely for the cleanup value. Thanks again.


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