Question about meld installation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 - ngettext error

I’ve been trying to install Meld on my Red Hat Enterprise 3 workstation.  It installs, but it bombs immediately when I run it.  


Can you offer any advice?  I’ve listed my installation and execution steps below:


rpm -qa | grep gnome | sort



rpm -qa | grep python | sort



rpm -qa | grep pyorbit | sort



rpm -qa | grep pygtk | sort



rpm -ivh meld-1.1.2-2.1.el3.test.noarch.rpm

    error: Failed dependencies:

            gnome-python2-gconf >= 1.99 is needed by meld-1.1.2-2.1.el3.rf

        Suggested resolutions:



rpm -qa | grep gnome-python2-gconf | sort



rpm -ivh gnome-python2-gconf-1.99.14-5.i386.rpm



rpm -ivh meld-1.1.2-2.1.el3.test.noarch.rpm



$ meld

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "/usr/share/meld/meld", line 47, in ?

        __builtins__.__dict__["ngettext"] = gettext.ngettext

    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ngettext'


"If your platform does not supply the gnome-python packages, you can install them from source. It is assumed that you have gnome2 and python2.2 development packages installed.

Download and install pyorbit pygtk gnome-python from your favourite gnome mirror.

You will need to both build and install them to the same $prefix  and in that order. This is a gnome-python limitation."




 - Chris



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