Re: Urgent - 3.2 Press Release

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 06:10:41PM +0100, Allan Day wrote:
> The 3.0 release notes had a section on how to get the release. Might be useful:

I replaced it in 3.2 with:
| To install or upgrade your machine to GNOME 3.2, we recommend you
| install the official packages provided by your vendor or distribution.
| Popular distributions will make GNOME 3.2 available very soon, and some
| already have development versions with GNOME 3.2 available.
| If you want to try out GNOME, download one of our live images. These are
| available on our Getting GNOME page.
| If you are brave and patient, and would like to build GNOME from source,
| we recommend you use JHBuild, which is designed to build the latest
| GNOME from Git. You can use JHBuild to build GNOME 3.2.x by using the
| gnome-3.2 moduleset. 

I think jhbuild is still *way* too difficult for anyone to use.

Unfortunately the "soon" depends really on the distro. Mageia 'unstable'
already has 3.2, but will only release next year.


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