Requesting Approval of Release notes general structure

Sorry, this didn get through the list

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A suggestion to Gervais: don't follow any of the structures proposed
in this thread. Not even the one you started proposing.

Pick all the relevant the informative elements. Figure out what is the
main story here. Let's develop one main story well written and
illustrated in the main page. Letś split the rest of important
elements in one page each, with graphics and no more text than
strictly needed. Letś have a last page with all the remaining details.

We want to produce something interesting to readers, not an
illustrated CHANGELOG. Compromising to a structure before looking at
the content doesn't make much sense, actually.

The novelties should compromise the structure, and not the other way round.

Thanks Gervais for leading. Be our 2.18 hero. You will receive help,
don't worry.

Quim Gil ///

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