[libxml++] Re: [Libxmlplusplus-general] Attribute inherting from Node

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 18:41, Stefan Seefeld wrote:
> Murray Cumming wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 08:21, Stefan Seefeld wrote:
> > 
> >>* make 'Attribute' a subclass of 'Node'
> > 
> > 
> > I know that the DOM spec does this. Why is it a good idea?
> If you use xpath lookup, you get a list of nodes returned.
> Attributes can be part of that list, for example with a
> pattern such as '//chapter/@id' returning a list of chapter
> ids.
> (see my new example examples/dom/example, which does exactly
> that: it looks for 'linkend' attributes and tries to resolve
> them)
> So, Attributes need to be Nodes for this to work.


Murray Cumming
murray usa net

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