Re: Mediation attempt (was Re: [Libxmlplusplus-general] resume of one day's work)

Hi Christophe,

Christophe de VIENNE wrote:

I won't give reason to one or another of the protagonists, I just don't want the good work of both of you not to be loosed for libxml++. You both have more experience than me and you cannot image how I appreciate your participation on the project.

thanks for the encouraging words. Yes indeed, I'd *much* appreciate to
keep our *common* efford going. While working together can be hard at
times, I definitely think it is worth the efford.

Stefan, the last modifications you added are definitly good ones, but to preserve everybody's nerves, we'll keep them (iterator stuffs) on the unstable branch, and the future 1.0 version will keep the current API.

ok, I'm fine with that. But please lets have a close look at the old API
and clearly identify the problems with it. There are quite a number of
places where the code will either leak or at least not be clear enough
to developers as to what happens, and what the user/developer is
expected to do (my old song of ownership semantics...)

In fact, I think we should go over the changes (I *did* try hard to keep
each individual commit in focus on a precise and atomic goal) and
evaluate whether they present a fix that's worth preserving for the 1.0
stable branch or not. For example the redefinition of AttributeMap is -
while a major API change - clearly a fix of a memory leak.

As Murray always did on this project, I invite you to warn us if you're going to commit some changes (backward compatible or not) in the API, so such situations won't (I hope) happen again.

ok. Again, I did discuss all of my changes on the list. May be I should
have waited longer for feedback, but there were either no or only
positive comments to the issues I addressed, so I didn't anticipate any

Some discussions we had about evolution of the lib were implicitly concerning the future unstable branch. I could have been more explicit about it, sorry.

Now I let you both "laver votre linge sale entre vous" ;-)

d'accord (hors de la liste de courriels si possible).

Kind regards,

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