Re: Porting to gobject introspection

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 14:50, Nicolas Évrard <nicoe altern org> wrote:
> * Nicolas Évrard  [2011-12-23 11:47 +0100]:
>> Since it gave me the opportunity to test mercurial-git I did the port
>> yesterday.
>> I uploaded the diff to codereview:
> I tested wit the latest version available on my debian and it works as
> expected.

Hi Nicolas,

thanks for the patches! I've pushed them to master together with some
minor changes. To your question about constructors - you either have
to call the new_full method like

Champlain.Coordinate.new_full(10, 20)

or use the named arguments like

Champlain.Coordinate(latitude=10, longitude=20)

Have a look at

for more info about introspection-based Python bindings. Even though
they recommend using the keyword arguments, I would prefer if people
were using the new() methods for now. I'm not sure if all the argument
names are used consistently throughout libchamplain and may want to
rename them in the future which would break your Python program.


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