Re: Focus applications with trigger


> The action Go To on applications has changed implementation. It will first bring to front all yada yada, etc...
>    Whatever, it finally works in a sensible way

from the changelog for v205. Thanks a bunch for having a look into it!
It does indeed focus the most recent window (which is awesome) but
it's not yet perfect in my opinion. Two issues:
1) you can't cycle through windows anymore. Before (v204) by focusing
an application multiple times it switched through all instances.
Personally I liked that.

2) when focusing it seems like Kupfer iterates through all open
instances and focusses them until it reaches the most recent one. It's
easily reproducible:
 - open three windows of any application (eg. Pidgin chats), minimize
two of them. Switch to a different workspace and focus Pidgin. The
most recent window will be focused but the other two won't be
minimized anymore. It's similar with other applications that where in
the foreground before. Focussing one window shouldn't affect the other

Greetings, David

PS: I hope that one day I'll finally read up on Python and can go from
niggling about weird issues to actually being able to contribute and
fix them myself. ;-)

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