Re: [guadec-list] Registration Fees for GUADEC 2007

On 5/18/07, Paul Cooper <pgc openadvantage org> wrote:
Now this isn't fair - upto this point you had quite precise and narrow meanings
and expectations linked to particular words; party & conference.

I still have pretty precise and narrow meanings and expectations. I
think you do, too. But I don't think they match at all. Mine were
linked to my perception of the event. See my first two mails in this

You're not accounting properly for no shows. If someone registers and then
doesn't show up then it costs us around 50 pounds (ok I haven't spent long
working this out but it's probably about right) not to mention the wasted
organisational overhead. So yes we tried to choose the minimum charge that
was still psychologically significant enough that people would think twice before > booking on a whim and then not showing up on a whim.

So the reality is that I do feel uninvited and now have to pay because
there's some people that take GUADEC too lightly.

I think I'll just show up. You can still throw me out if the 10 pounds
are worth it to you.


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