[guadec-list] Quiz Team Members Sought for "Open Source in Mobile 2007"

I apologize for vague spammage to the list, but I wanted to bring
people's attention to an interesting situation around the upcoming Open
Source in Mobile conference, happening in Madrid on 18-19 September.

I've been asked by the organizers to be the EmCee for a sort of "Open
Source Trivial Pursuit" quiz game at the end of the show, and I'm
looking for volunteers/candidates for the two five-member teams. Team
members will receive

- A free executive pass to the show
- A chance to win _exciting prizes_!!!11!!
- Fame and fortune. Kinda.

Anyway, the two teams are going to be "Community Members" vs. "Distros",
and if you'd be interested, you can write either me or Jane Backhouse
<jane backhouse informa com>. I've attached the promotional email for
the show as well.

I want to add that Informa, the organizers of the show, did an excellent
job last year of including the community, including many GNOME folks,
Harald Welte, and others. The OpenMoko project was, in fact, first
announced at Open Source in Mobile 2006.

This year (thanks to encouragement from Jeff Waugh, myself, and others)
they're expanding the community involvement and interaction even
further, and it's a unique opportunity to get together with folks from
the business side of the mobile industry with an interest in free and
open source software. Please give it some consideration. More
information can be found at http://www.osimconference.com/

Full disclosure: ACCESS is a platinum sponsor of the conference this year.

Again, sorry for vague spammage, but it's an event of community
interest, I figure...

PS: I'm also looking for open source trivia questions, not so much
technical as cultural ones. If you have any good ones, please email me

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