Re: using MinGW for Gtkmm on windows

On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 19:33 -0800, lovekie wrote:
> I use the official installer to install the gtkmm, and I only want use MinGW
> on windows to compile the program.(I don't want install the visual studio or
> viusal  studio express, they are too big.) I can successful compile and link
> the simple test program, but when I try to run it. It said can't found
> msvcr80.dll.  How can I solve it? Does the Gtkmm need the visual stuido?

I don't think msvcr80.dll is required by gtkmm when used with MinGW. If
it is, then it's probably a bug. You can use a tool such as Dependency
Walker [1] to find out which library pulls in msvcr80.dll.



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