Re: [gtk-osx-users] Patching lib goffice to use it in bundle


Le 4 oct. 2011 à 16:04, John Ralls a écrit :

> That's odd. Gnucash uses libgoffice and we've never had a problem with bundling it. What version are you using?

We're using the latest version: 0.8.17.

> It would be better to file a bug against goffice and have their devs fix it. Hard-coding paths is rude. But are you sure that it doesn't respond to the usual mechanisms (LD_LIBRARY_PATH or setting GOFFICE_LIBS in the environment)?

I think no. I'have try to fix GOFFICE_LIBS in the launch script, that don't work, but I see that only DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH's fixed and not LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
I'll try ton fix it at $bundle_lib in launch script.

At this time we've patch goffice.c for use gtkosxapplication and the function gtk_osxapplication_get_bundle_id (like in grisbi for the DATA dir) in goffice_init.

Gérald Niel
gerald niel gegeweb org

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