Re: Documentation inconsistency

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 7:04 AM, Igor Korot <ikorot01 gmail com> wrote:

Well the trouble is that documentation gives incorrect information:
First it says function is deprecated and then gives an impression it's
OK to use it.

That's the impression you got. It isn't the impression I got.

The documentation has to cover the following cases:

   * someone new to GTK/glib, writing new code
   * someone new to GTK/glib, working on existing code that uses g_thread_init
   * someone with experience using GTK/glib and threads, writing new code
   * someone with experience using GTK/glib and threads, working on
existing code that uses g_thread_init

I think that the documentation covers all these cases reasonably well,
attempting to
make it clear that you should not use the function anymore, but if you
have existing code that calls it,
you should modify the way the function is called if you choose not to remove it.

It could be clearer, yes. But it isn't actually inconsistent.

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