Re: playing with set of characters.

On Mon, Apr 09, 2007 at 06:22:08PM +0200, David Gasa Castell wrote:
>    /* The nucleous of the programm... Has to write according to
>     * the set of characters of selected language.
>     * How can I do it ? (1st. Question)                        */

There is no `set of characters of selected language'.

Gtk+ uses UTF-8 -- in particular all strings you pass to and
obtain from Gtk+ are UTF-8-encoded (unless they are
filenames that have some special rules).  UTF-8 is capable
of representing the characters of all languages (for some
definition of `all').  If you have texts in other encodings,
you have to convert them, for instance with g_convert().

>    /* Chained list of different languages
>     * 2nd. Question:
>     * Is there any way to construct this list automatically
>     * (I mean..., from available ones) ??                      */
>    glist = g_list_append (glist, "English");
>    glist = g_list_append (glist, "Greek");
>    glist = g_list_append (glist, "Russian");
>    glist = g_list_append (glist, "Hebrew");

A for-cycle will probably do whatever `available ones'
means.  You should use GtkComboBox instead of GtkCombo



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