Re: MergedRegions

On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 05:03:39PM +0200, Nachtweh Heike wrote:
Hello everybody,
I am trying to create an Excel spreadsheet from an XML-document by
running it through an XSLT and Apache-Cocoon2 (with the HSSF-Serializer,
which needs the gnumeric spreadsheet file format, version 0.7-1.04).
I would like to use the MergedRegions-tag.
In the XSLT I tried this:
This is the correct syntax.

But there was no result in the Excel-file. Perhaps the code is wrong? 
Does anyone have any idea?
1) What version of gnumeric are you using to do the export ?
Early versions (wild guess) before 0.70-ish did not export merged

2) What are you using to test the file to see if the merge exists ?
gnumeric exports only the MERGE tag but does not flag the format
with the merge flag.  I've been told that opencalc does not handle
that correctly, but XL does.

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