how do I...?

I have a spread sheet with where I often change cells A1 and B1 in order to see how they effect cell C1.

I would like to generate a table which along the x-axis runs through a range of A1 values and the y-axis through B1 values. The table data itself would be the C1 result.

So for instance if C1=A1+B1 how would I generate the following table data:

           1  |  2    3    4

(B1 values) 2  |  3    4    5    <--- resultant C1 values

           3  |  4    5    6

                1    2    3
                (A1 values)

Note: though my example is quite simple, and I could easy create a fomula for it, my real spread sheet is much more complex, so creating a custom formula would be more difficult.

Is there a simple way to do this?


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