Re: naming question

On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 12:11:24PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
ahh.  nice!   btw, there might be a lurking problem.   like i mentioned
before, the wrong way of doing things kept changing the value of the
expression.   but across gnumeric sessions, the expressions would turn
into things like "C65535".
This is actually correct.  The name is relative to the cell you are
in when you define it.  For example, if you are in B2 and define a
name A1 then that name refers to the cell above and left of where
the name is used.  eg in C2 name would refer to B1

You can also quickly define a name by using the naming region in the
top left of the sheet.  Just select the region you want to name, and
enter the name there.

doesn't seem to work for me.  the naming region contains the cell
reference, right?  so if i click on D4, the box contains "D4"?

when i click on D4 and type "fine_constant", then the expression

fine_constant    Sheet2!D4:D4

and references to fine_constant yield #VALUE!.

which is fine.  i don't need shortcuts.  i just need to be correct.  :)
the "long way" is good enough for me!

This was fixed in 1.0.3 I think.  Make sure you have a current

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