Re: Planing to migrate from Tomboy to Gnote

Ok, I made sure no gnote process is running, found .config/gnote/addins/global.ini and set everything to false (except the read-only add-in).  Still gnote crashes with a segmentation fault upon disabling the read-only flag of a note. This bug is triggered by any note that was saved with read-only state enabled.

So it looks like I've got to update to a newer version of gnotes?
Which again leads me to the question: can I build a current version of gnotes against my Gnome/GTK 3.18.x libraries? The current master branch of the git repo asks for the 3.20 versions, but maybe this is just for the sake of Gnome 3.20-Integration?

Aurimas, thanks for your help so far!

Am Dienstag, den 09.08.2016, 21:45 +0300 schrieb Aurimas Černius:

> Now remains the problem described in my other email: gnote crashes when
> I try to disable a notes read-only state...  

I believe this bug has been fixed in later releases. IIRC it was caused by some plugin, try disabling all of them, restart Gnote (you may need to kill background process) and then reenable plugins by one until you figure out what causes this.


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