Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Gnote 3.9.0 (Unstable) released


On 05/02/2013 03:37 PM, Aurimas Černius wrote:
Yep, these keywords are a nightmare. The requirement for ";" at the 
end have been communicated to translators, but that's what you get 
without any enforcement. Perhaps I should add desktop-file-validate to 
build system, to prevent such errors in the future... Thanks for quick 
note, I'll fix this. 

If you used desktop-file-install to install the desktop files, that does 
the validation and you can catch these sort of issues early on before 
doing a release.  Fedora would still run desktop-file-validate as an 
additional check during build time.

You can use this patch to resolve the issue:

I've also added desktop-file-validate to check, hopefully this will
prevent this kind of errors in future releases.


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