Re: Newbie to gsoc :D

Hello Gopal

What are your plans for the UI "upgrade" ? I'm using GCalctool a lot
and I'm quite interested to know what you will do. I remember a time
not so far ago where the UI was slightly better than what we have now,
but don't ask me details because since then I forgot what was better.

Anyway I will use this e-mail to present myself instead of spamming
everyone with two mails.

My name is Fabien Parent, I'm an MS in Computer Science in France,
Lille (but I'm currently living near Nice). This is my second and
probably last GSoC and like last year I will be working on nemiver. My
task will be to add to nemiver the ability to profile programs.


On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 01:34, Gopal Krishnan <gk krishnan92 gmail com> wrote:
> Hey everyone!
> My name is Gopal Krishnan and I was also accepted to GSOC just as you
> all! I am going to be working on Gcalctool in order to upgrade its UI
> dramatically and also potentially tweak its underlying code to fix
> bugs. My mentor is Robert Ancell and I am really excited to work with
> him. Its great working for Gnome and hope to give my best to it!
> Cheers,
> Gopal Krishnan
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