Re: A new profiling tool for Nemiver (GSoC 2012 Application)

Fabien Parent <parent f gmail com> a écrit:

> callgrind is clearly not the best and lighter profiling tool
> out-there. I choose him for one main reason: it is the easiest entry
> point to the valgrind framework. memcheck will be much harder to
> implement, thus callgrind was a way to start with the valgrind
> framework (development-wise).

From the point of view of the user, my impression is that the tool that
provides the more bang for the bucks would be the useful one.  If
Nemiver uses e.g Perf (instead of Cachegring), it has more chances to be
smaller, faster, more accurate, and get a broader hardware coverage.

A contrario, just "implementing a Valgrind-based tool" doesn't seem to
be an appealing enough value proposition for the user, does it?

On the other hand, I don't want to trump your enthusiasm, so I am
going to propose a compromise.  :-)

If what makes you tick is to play with the Valgrind tools, I'd say let's
go for implementing a memory debugging tool based on Valgrind's
memcheck.  In that area, Valgrind is simply the king on GNU/Linux based
systems, at least.  It'll be harder to do, I understand, but you've done
hard things in previous circumstances as well.  ;-)

What do you think? 

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