Applications stop responding to mouse, multi-screen layout


This is something I have been having on and off for a while and never
got round to reporting (I don't really have anything of bug-report
quality).  Sometimes when using GNOME Shell/Wayland on an external
monitor with my laptop closed some applications (probably all X11 ones)
stop responding to mouse events.  I can still drag the windows and
interact with them via the keyboard.  Opening and closing the laptop,
which triggers a screen reconfiguration, usually makes this go away, for
a while or for longer.  I don't think I have ever seen this on the
laptop screen.  I can't really say what triggers it in the first place
though.  Is this anything known?

Using Ubuntu 18.04 explicitly set to a Wayland session, GNOME Shell
3.26.2-0ubuntu3, Mutter 3.26.2-1 plus one patch[1], though I have been
seeing this with both patched and unpatched Mutter.


Michael Thayer | VirtualBox engineer
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | D-71384 Weinstadt

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