Re: Error in building gnome-shell (libedataserver version not found)

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Florian Müllner <fmuellner gnome org> wrote:

Are you using something like "jhbuild buildone gnome-shell"? This won't work, as you also need all of gnome-shell's dependencies - at least the mutter requirement is almost guaranteed to be newer than what your distribution provides.
Yes, I was using jhbuild buildone gnome shell. But every time it was showing an error during configuration, I was installing the required package. I got the error for mutter during configuration so I did jhbuild buildone mutter and it was resolved.
Running "jhbuild build gnome-shell" should compile all dependencies of gnome-shell and gnome-shell itself.

After discussing this on irc, I was suggested to install 15.04 and build on it since some of my system dependencies will be too old for building this (like systemd). So, I am installing ubuntu 15.04.


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