Re: We want task bar back. Pretty please.

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Tim Murphy <tnmurphy gmail com> wrote:
On 5 May 2011 18:55, Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org> wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-05-05 at 10:48 -0700, Micah Carrick wrote:
>> I'll give you a quick answer to that...
>> When we first switch to GNOME 3, many of us did not realize we were
>> not upgrading, but switching to a completely new beast. I actually had
>> to take a day off work to comb the internet learning about what's
>> going on and why (we aren't all in the loop with GNOME Journal and
>> Planet GNOME and the like). GNOME 3 is a radical shift away from what
>> we are used to.
> Yes, it is. It is revolutionary.  And I believe that
> GNOME3-is-a-big-change was very heavily publicized.
>> So we do a few Google searches and we find a much larger percentage of
>> un-resolved complaints and the same ones over and over.
> Of course - search on *anything* and this is true; it is the nature of
> the beast.  People post "complaints", they don't post "works
> awesome" (because the are busy using whatever it is).  In my experience
> positive posts are often taken as counter productive.

There are hidden negatives too - the linux users in my office, for
example, tried it and gave up or gave it no chance at all -  they are
using XFCE or just not updating their distros or are trying out Ubuntu
instead or they are using the fallback for the moment now that they
have found out how to do it. They haven't emailed this list though.

Is their objection that it is different?  Office workers are generally vulnerable to change.  The reason being that they don't copious amount of time to learn a new interface in the face of deadlines and what not.  A transition plan is generally required for those.. so they get a chance to learn the new interface while at the same time be able to switch back in case there are issues with bad behaviour with important applications.

My co-workers don't particularly like the new interface just from the presentation I did (they were my guinea pigs).  But then these people are people who use fvwm2 over VNC on windows laptops or desktops.


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