Re: How to edit/remove "recent documents" ?

On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 00:34:51 +0530
mohit chawla <mohit chawla binary gmail com> wrote:

> 1. I have tried deleting/altering the .*recently-used* & .*recently-used.xbel
> *files in the home directory (on Karmic 64-bit). Nothing changes, the files
> get automatically re-generated.
> 2. I am unable to find the right gtk configuration file to edit the options
> regarding recent-documents. Can someone point out the exact file ?
> 3. I have installed the Gnome Activity Journal to switch the usage from gtk
> toolkit to Zeitgeist, but am not sure if this has changes things.
> I have searched the mailing lists & have got the above hints from a few
> threads. But the problem still remains. Can someone please point out the way
> to manipulate the recent-documents content.
> Thanks.
you have to delete /home/username/recently-used.xbel. to keep the recent documents empty you have to create a folder /home/username/recently-used.xbel. this is just a workaround. the final shell should be able to delete the recent documents.

good night, stefan

stefan bender <st_bender gmx de>

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