Re: Mockup of overlay layout changes

Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:
> Le dimanche 22 février 2009 à 12:39 -0800, coulamac a écrit :
>> [2] OSX automatically creates a launcher (of sorts) on the Dock.  This has a lot going for it, since it happens without special user input.  On the other hand, it falls into the tool-centered desktop paradigm, instead of a document-centered or task-centered paradigm.
> I tend to agree to your whole analysis. I possibility I had not thought
> about (has anyone else before?) would indeed consist in automatically
> adding launchers for the most popular apps in the panel, with some form
> of customization allowed. We need to see how this could interact with
> the rest of the Shell, if it's not redundant and if it's generally a
> good idea...

I'd love to have launchers back in the panel.

I need to look at your app-tracking patch, but if it's based on the same
code that generated our original most-used-apps list data, one problem
with it is that it doesn't distinguish between "apps you launch
directly" and "apps you launch via documents". Eg, evince is probably
among my most-used apps, but I don't want a launcher for it.

-- Dan

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