[gnome-shell-ext] How does gnome-browser-extension and chrome-gnome-shell load extension without reloading gnome session

For example, to install netspeed extension via script, we have to do something like:


gnome-extensions install --force netspeed hedayaty gmail com zip
killall -HUP gnome-shell
sleep 5s
gnome-extensions enable

Please check How to properly start a Gnome-Shell extension via command line? for more details.

But the thing is, if we use gnome-browser-extension and chrome-gnome-shell to install extensions from https://extensions.gnome.org/ , then it does not reload the gnome session. It just smoothly gets the work done.

I need to improve my script on Command line tool to install GNOME Shell extensions. If I can implement the same mechanism to install extensions without reloading the gnome session then my script will be more polished. This is the context of this question.

So, how does gnome-browser-extension and chrome-gnome-shell load extension without reloading the gnome session?

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