Re: GNOME OS Goals

El sáb, 24-11-2012 a las 15:45 -0700, Stormy Peters escribió:

> However, if nobody else chimes in, then maybe I'm the one that doesn't
> get it and I'll just step back and wait to see the magic happen.

I can say that I "feel" the meaning of GNOME OS and our current goals
and values, but it doesn't mean that I am able to put it in words for a
completely unrelated person to understand it.

For example, "open source way" is a house hold term for most of us, but
think how much does it really mean for someone who barely knows about
It does mean a lot to us, because it is part of our culture. But say
that to my Social Communication classmates and be amazed at how much
watermelons they give.

Point is that we should be able to word a sentence that:
 1. tells people what specifically we do to better the world
 2. why we do it
 3. how we are doing it

Think it like this: You get a magic chance to replace the concept of
GNOME in everybody's mind, but the field is only 255 chars long, what
extremely clear and unambiguous sentence do you replace it with?


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