Re: GNOME OS Goals

hi Stormy;

I think this would more likely fit in marketing-list - gnome-os-list
is more for development, really.

On 21 November 2012 16:08, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:

> I think we need to be able to get a lot crisper on what we are trying to do.
> From your description, it sounds like we aren't trying to do GNOME OS,
> that's just an internal code name for an initiative to improve GNOME and the
> development process.

it depends on what you call "OS": restructuring our development
process as well as our message that GNOME is a complete vertical stack
that can be productised fits my definition of "operating system". if
you define "OS" as "a Linux distribution" then we clearly aren't doing

> So what are we trying to do with GNOME? Are we saying that we are focusing
> on GNOME as a desktop?

not "a desktop", because desktop has pretty precise connotations;
let's say "GNOME as a full stack", which includes a user experience
for hybrid devices (touch + keyboard) as well as traditional
desktop/clamshell ones.

> As opposed to GNOME as a bunch of technologies that
> people can fit into their own products?


> Is our audience developers or users?

I'd say that the audience for GNOME OS (the initiative, not the end
result) is for developers, QA, and OEMs.

> What are we trying to deliver to them?

a fully testable, deployable, disk image that can be used on supported
devices for testing and developing with/developing for GNOME.



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