Re: gnome-keyring Unstable dependencies until 'GNOME 3'

On 2010-08-30 11:49, Thorsten Sick wrote:
> Hi
> What about switching to unstable dependencies but maintaining very good
> wiki documentation about the trouble we went through ?

Well in this case it's mainly glib 2.25 (and perhaps gtk 2.90) that are
the culprits, and it's a temporary thing.

Do you mean documentation on how to setup your computer with those
unstable dependencies?

> When exactly do you want to go for unstable ? At the moment I have a
> Ubuntu 10.10 running and it is surprisingly stable...

Yes I just upgraded to that. Had some minor issues, but I upgraded so
that I could work with glib 2.25 without having to resort to jhbuild.
Not that I mind jhbuild, I just like eating my own dog food and actually
using the gnome-keyring and seahorse that I'm developing :)



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