RE: Contribution to GNOME Journal

Hi Sriram,
first of all, excuse me for having not participated in the discussion here until now, but I was - and I currently am - in the Indian Ocean for an exchange...
I will be back at home this weekend (the 9 november). Then I would be able to start an article... I hope I will have the time to do so.
So, I would be able to confirm an article this weekend or at the beginning of the next week. I hope this is not too late?!

Sriram Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com> schrieb:
Hi Sebastian,

We need maybe one more article. Can you help?


On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 21:34 +0200, Sebastian Dziallas wrote:
> Hi Sriram,
> Thank you for your response - and please excuse the small delay.
> > The best way is to probably get on IRC and talk.
> In the near future, I will try to do so...
> I thought a little bit about what I could write about:
> Maybe, I could write some reviews about new or special GNOME software.
> I had also another idea: I could for example create a survey and do
> the analysis of it (e.g. what do the users think of the GNOME desktop
> in general - or maybe the GNOME Journal). As I already pointed out -
> this is only an idea. What do you think about it? And maybe you could
> tell me what you thought about (here or on IRC)...
> > Offtopic, how did you find getting the information to
> contribute?
> > Hard? Easy? Or did it take effort on your point and if so
> more than required or what?
> Well, I would propose to extend the 'Contribute' page on
>, because currently, it only says: Look at the wiki
> page!
> I would probably copy the 'Become a writer' section out of the wiki to
> the 'Contribute' page. This makes the process of getting into the
> GNOME Journal, in my opinion, a bit easier.
> And I would use the wiki for planning the releases and articles of the
> GNOME Journal and the page for releasing them and
> informing the readers about their possibilities to contribute to the
> journal.
> Sebastian
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Sriram Ramkrishna

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