Re: [gnome-it] Fwd: GNOME 3.26 release notes available for translation

Il giorno gio, 07/09/2017 alle 08.26 +0200, Milo Casagrande ha scritto:
C'è qualcuno che vorrebbe tradurle o che ha un po' di tempo per

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Allan Day <aday gnome org>
Date: Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 8:52 PM
Subject: GNOME 3.26 release notes available for translation
To: GNOME i18n list <gnome-i18n gnome org>

Hi everyone,

I've just finished the GNOME 3.26 release notes, so they can now be
safely translated. Screenshots are still missing, but that will be
fixed in the next couple of days. I will send another update once
has happened.

The notes can be found here:

Note that I left the .po files in place from last release (3.24).

3.26 is scheduled for release on 13 September - just under a week
now. I'm really sorry that we are not giving you more time to
translate them. It's been a challenging release which caused some
delays; I'll do my best to make sure that the notes are finished
earlier in the future.


gnome-i18n mailing list
gnome-i18n gnome org

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