Infrastructure | commit access wrongly removed (#380)

Title: GitLab

Nelson Ben created an issue #380:

Account details

Please provide the following information:

  1. Your full name: Nelson Benítez León
  2. Your existing account name: nbenitez

Your request

I just received the following email:

Hello Nelson Benítez León, your membership of the group gnomecvs has been automatically removed, due to inactivity.

For more information, please see the following email:

With cordiality,

the GNOME Accounts Team

Is this an error? I commit pretty often to Evince, see for example this commit from a month ago: GNOME/evince@6464bdb1

So please let me know if this was an error and how to reinstate my commit access.

Thanks, Nelson Benitez Leon

/cc @averi

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