Re: Infrastructure | The future of (#133)

Title: GitLab

Jordan Petridis commented:

Is it okay to use a single repo instead of gnome-nightly/gnome-apps-nightly split?

yes, flathub is also a single repo, the gnome-nightly repo is fairly old and at the time it might had made sense to have them split, but that's no longer the case.

Is it okay to have a completely new name, say and mark older repos as EOL and ask people to migrate?

I think so, given that we already have 2 repos, it wouldn't be possible to migrate all the users anyhow. I think we should deprecate sdk.g.o and remove it the next cycle after that. something like

Provide images for building flatpaks in gitlab CI

That's easy enough, we could do this we either qemu or aarch gitlab runner

Decide what to do for arm and i386 (in the same image as 64bit or separate images)

If we keep supporting i386 and arm arches, the 64bit runners would be fine to run the jobs. For docker images we most likely want different images cause they are quite big, especially if we include debug symbols.

Migrate a test app to flat-manager

+1 for ephy being the guinea pig, I can take care of the ci config/template. We probably though want ot try this for just x86_64 at first

Decide on a final name for the repo

Personally I like nightly.g.o since we host stable stuff at flathub. Something more flatpak specific might also work.

Decide on a deprecation period for the old repos

This needs to happen asap, there's also 2 "stable" repos from 2 years ago from back when we built the fd.o base there. This should be burned down asap cause people still use that instead of flathub.

For the nightlies, I think we could announce the intent and properly depricate it later on.

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