Re: Unable to git pull

Is there any explanation to my disappointment ?

The logs on the machine didn't provide a lot of information on this
regard as the same error message "Too many authentication failures for
pwieser" was listed in there as well. We could have probably bumped
the logging level to see what was going on but the issue wasn't
reproducible anymore. That said it seems that the error might have
been caused by the client trying to authenticate with several
different identities and reaching the MaxAuthTries value which is 6 by
default. I see your log excerpt just list 3 tries before the
successful one and that looks totally acceptable. Did the amount of
identities you had on "~/.ssh" changed recently?

Well, yes, indeed.
I recently add two new keys for my own management needs.

What's also curious is your client trying to authenticate with all the
identities you have available even if the relevant IdentityFile value
is set on your "~/.ssh/config" file:

        IdentityFile id_rsa_gnome

The problem with this is IdentityFile requires the full path to the
private key file, look at man ssh_config for the variables you can

Maybe the final answer to the issue you have pointed out, and that I
myself observe for.. some time now (say, since my first Fedora desktop ?). 
Never read the man enough may be some sort of conclusion ;)
I'll get a try to that.


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