Sysadmin Project Status

Hi Sysadmin Team,

Shame on me for not following up in the last two months, but I wanted to
follow-up on a couple of the projects in process.

* Plone - Alexandro - any updates on this?  I didn't hear from you after
my last email.  Are you going to be able to help with this for the
upcoming beta and launch?

* Snowy VM - Jeff - I caught part of your conversation in IRC this week
- do you have a target date when the VM will be set up and Ray can try
getting Snowy installed?

* Git hooks for Damned Lies - Alexandro, is this complete?

* RH subscriptions - I'm assuming this taken care of?  

* Wordpress 3.0 was released yesterday - can we get another RHEL VM
created on Combobox to migrage there? (BGO 621048)

Thanks to Christer for staying on top of some mailing list requests this
week.  I'd like to have a brief discussion at some point about the
requirements for those and document it on

Lastly, the end of the quarter is coming up in about 2 weeks - if there
are other sysadmin projects / updates you've made in the last couple of
months, please let me know so I can include them in the Foundation's
quarterly report.

Thanks all!



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