Re: Moin event stats

<quote who="Owen Taylor">

>  - We really need some nice simple page where we have load average
>    graphs of all the servers over long time periods. Then on every
>    sysadmin team meeting you could take a look at that page and say
>    "woah, label has been running at a load of 20 for the last week,
>    who is going to look at that?"

I'll recommend collectd as a hands-off, no-nonsense way to do this. Vastly
less work required than similar systems (which, is probably part of the
reason why the Red Hat ET folks have been working with it). Happy to do an
initial setup on, say, window, label and button.

- Jeff

-- 2010: Wellington, NZ      
   "I hear Tom Wolfe's speaking at Lincoln Center. [...] Well, of course
    we're going to fling poo at him!" - Mason the Chimpanzee, Madagascar

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