Re: Terminology

Ok, I know I asked this question, and now I'm digging my heels in
against the answer that I'm getting... Please bear with me. I want to
make sure this is debated properly...

On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 01:52:51PM +0200, Christian Rose wrote:
> colin z robertson wrote:
> > I can, though, see another problem with folders: As a Free desktop
> > environment we're rather dependent on the good will of hackers. Taking
> > a quick look through a few Gnome applications I can see almost all of
> > them using "directory" rather than "folder". If we start asking
> > hackers to switch to "folder", what chance do we have that they will
> > actually do so?
> True enough.
> I suspect most hackers are simply unaware of the problem. I think many
> would gladly switch to the "folder" terminology if they were informed
> about the problems. Use bugzilla! :-)

I'm not so sure of this, because as I see it there is only one problem
with "directory", which is that it is not consistent with Windows.
Bear in mind that hackers tend to be rather stubborn people and that
many of them wouldn't touch Windows with a barge pole, let alone
change their terminology to be compliant with it.

If there were some inherent usability advantage to the term "folder" I
don't think you'd have much trouble convincing people, but I don't
believe that there is.

> > We'll also find ourselves in danger of having 50% of applications
> > using one term and 50% using the other. Gnome has precious few areas
> > in which it is even self-consistent, and at the moment this is one of
> > them. I'm quite reluctant to start breaking that.
> But then we already have this inconsistency today, since Nautilus and
> Evolution use the term "folder". So the problem is already here today,
> and one way of solving it is making more applications use the term
> "folder".

Well, Nautilus and Evolution on their own don't yet make it a 50/50


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