Re: Terminology

On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 01:29:25PM +0200, Christian Rose wrote:
> > > > - Directory/Folder > >
> > > Both of Evolution and Nautilus use "folder". This is also what the Windows
> > > and MacOS environments use, so it seems that "folder" is preferred to
> > > make the terminology more consistent.
> >
> > Point taken, but let me make the counter-argument. Most old Unix
> > programs still use "directory", and it will be some time (if ever)
> > before users stop having to interact with those. For the sake of
> > consistency with the rest of Unix we should be using "directory".
> Umm, I'm afraid I don't agree with you here. We have to ask us what is
> more important. Will things break if modern Gnome applications use the
> term "folder" and console unix applications still use the term
> "directory"? I think not - the advanced users that are familiar with both
> environments probably know that both are the same. More important, will
> calling it "directory" everywhere in Gnome break anything? I think yes,
> especially for novice users that will mostly only be in contact with the
> gui. My father, a very novice computer user, knows only the term "folder"
> from his introduction computer course (in Windows) and keeps asking me
> what "directory" is, and each time I have to explain that it is synonymous
> to "folder".
> I think the question if we should be trying to build a desktop for
> everyone regardless of the system they used previously, or try to
> build a fancy graphical environment for just experienced unix users. I
> believe the former is the goal I want.

hmm. You make a strong argument. I may reluctantly have to agree with
you here.

I can, though, see another problem with folders: As a Free desktop
environment we're rather dependent on the good will of hackers. Taking
a quick look through a few Gnome applications I can see almost all of
them using "directory" rather than "folder". If we start asking
hackers to switch to "folder", what chance do we have that they will
actually do so?

We'll also find ourselves in danger of having 50% of applications
using one term and 50% using the other. Gnome has precious few areas
in which it is even self-consistent, and at the moment this is one of
them. I'm quite reluctant to start breaking that.

> , and I recently
> > noticed another reason to like the term: The usual abbreviation for
> > "directory" is "dir", which is very appropriate if you pronounce it as
> > "dire".
> I'm afraid I don't understand your point here.

Sorry, I'm making poor jokes again. Directories are a dire way of
organising information.

Well, at least I was amused...


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