Re: more questions about bonobo_widget

В Срд, 05.03.2003, в 09:46, Sergey V. Oudaltsov написал:
> > 	Well - the problem is knowing quite what people want / expect from
> > this. Calling bonobo_control_frame_get_popup_component grabs a
> > UIComponent associated with the remote 'popup' UIContainer on the
> > Control. This is so the Control has control of it's own context menus -
> > and yet the frame can insert items too.
> So this method is for "client side" to add some items into the Control popup? Do
> I get it right?
Just tried:
1. Created BonoboUIContainer buic
2. Created BonoboUIEngine buie, set it into as the engine for buic. For
the engine, tried as an argument both NULL and newly created
BonoboWindow - no changes
3. Created BonoboWidget using this container
4. After realization, obtained xml from the engine

Same nearly-empty xml (empty keybindings, empty commands).
Where I am wrong in my constructions?

Sad, frustrated, lost..


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