Re: more questions about bonobo_widget

Hi Sergey,

On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 00:26, Sergey V. Oudaltsov wrote:
> Why would popup component SO empty in GGV? I expected to get some
> commands, some menu items - some content...

	Well - the problem is knowing quite what people want / expect from
this. Calling bonobo_control_frame_get_popup_component grabs a
UIComponent associated with the remote 'popup' UIContainer on the
Control. This is so the Control has control of it's own context menus -
and yet the frame can insert items too.

> What I am doing wrong? Is it legal to call bonobo_widget_new_control
> with null Bonobo_UIContainer?

	Yes - certainly; that's a different UIContainer though. When you do
widget_new_control - that associates a parent container into which the
Control will merge the master frame menus. The other method is to get
the Control own UIContainer for it's local menus.

	I hope that makes sense; there are several reasons for it being done
that way - many of which I don't recollect precisely.



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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