Re: [g-a-devel] ATK and windows

[ Steve Lee, Do., 3. Mai. 2007 ]
> Now we have IA2 could a bridge work, assuming we could afford to make
> gtk apps only accessible via IA2? Can we afford to be in process only?

This is indeed what Trolltech and KDE are suggesting.

The current AT-SPI architecture with its CORBA dependency cannot be used by Qt 
applications for various technical reasons, so we have two options:
a) move AT-SPI to D-Bus
b) use IA2 on top of D-Bus (even under Linux)

Trolltech are implementing IA2 support for Qt 4.3, which will then be bridged 
to one of the two variants, depending on GNOME feedback.

My hope is that we will be able to agree on a single accessibility 
architecture for as many different platforms and desktops as possible (Linux, 
Unix, Mac, Windows, KDE, GNOME, Qtopia, Sugar, HildenDesktop, XFCE, ...)

Unfortunately no Gtk or GNOME developers are currently working on this.


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