Re: [gnet-dev] ghttp for gnet ?

hi !

>> would the function-calls be gnet_http_... ?

good, do you mind if i also pollute the gnet_base64_ namespace ?

>Making your own IOChannel is tricky.  GLib hides a lot of the IOChannel
>internals that would be necessary to properly extending the IOChannel.
>Essentially they give you a factory interface for creating IOChannels
>according to an OS-dependent implementation.  If you figure something out,
>let me know.

i've looked already into the sources of both gnet-1.1.8 and glib-2.2 
and it seams that only the usual unix/win32 conversion maddness 
applies, which is ok since i'm also a seasoned mingw32 user :)

>Either way, an ssl interface would be welcome.  I'm not sure how the
>export issues will work out.  I'm in the USA.

i'm in austria/europe and its legal here so i just might create
gnet-ssl and gnet-http as additional libs ....

hmmm, i'll think about it.

  __              _ 
 / _|_ __ ___  __| | ___    unix, linux, freebsd
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