[Glade-devel] Feature Request: find duplicate widget names

On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Daniel Kasak <dkasak at nusconsulting.com.au>

Hi all.

With large complex forms, it's easy to accidentally name a widget the
same as another widget. Would it be possible to add a function that
checks the widget tree and notifies you of duplicate widget names? This
could happen on saving, or better yet when the widget name is set.

sorry for the delayed reply, yes its possible, we see this more as a bug
than a feature ;-) there is a module in glade that is used to bookkeep the
availability of widget names in a project, were just not using it properly,
as specially wrt what happens when you copy paste widgets, transfer
them across projects etc.

it would be nice though to simply dissallow input of duplicate names.

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